Isnin, 21 Mei 2012

One For The Money

I read lots of reviews, and hesitated to watch it, based on most of what I read. I did, however, adjust my expectations, and went into it without hoping for much. I can say, I wasn't disappointed. I like Katherine Heigl. She's quirky and fun, and I think she did right by this role.

Ranger and Joe were perfectly cast, as well. And I LOVE the grandma - yes, she's a little crazier in the books, but I love that lady, nonetheless. All in all, don't listen to the critics. They're biased, and they always say the same thing: "formulaic romance...yada, yada, yada." They just don't know how to enjoy some fluff and some filler here and there. I enjoyed this movie. It was cute. dvd

And the chemistry between Heigl and O'Mara was spot-on. I rented it, as I wasn't sure if I'd like it or not, and while I might not buy it, I WILL watch it again if it is released for streaming on Netflix, AND if they make sequels, like I hope they will.

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