Sabtu, 28 Julai 2012

Breaking Bad Season 5, Ep. 2 "Madrigal"

Viewers describe Breaking Bad as Mr. Chips to Scarface. As clever as that is, I see something different. I see it as a revenge tragedy for a man who feels that he has been emasculated by circumstances and the world and his cancer diagnosis gave him the opportunity to take his revenge. Walt was a genius who due to his teaching job was so broke that $15 worth of printer paper was a purchase that broke the bank. He was the constant butt of his brother-in-law Hank's derision and teasing. Hank after all was a "real man" a DEA agent. Now Walt is the drug dealer and criminal mastermind that Hank is unknowingly pursuing and Walt loves every minute of long as everyone in his life is paying tribute to his genius and his manhood to whatever extent that they know the truth.

What happens to the family of this man when they discover that the husband and father they knew is in fact an entirely different person and not because he used his chemistry skills to cook methamphetimine? To me, that is the big message of this episode despite the fact that there are a lot of plot points with Mike, a genuine tough guy and bad ass. Perhaps that is why Walt doesn't like him, because Mike is the man Walt wishes he was.

Anyway, Skylar realizes that she has no idea who her husband is, but it is dawning on her that he is a very dangerous man to be around: the very definition of mad, bad and dangerous to know and not becasue Walt is the "one who knocks" as he arrogantly informed Skylar in the last episode, but because he is a loose cannon whose motives are different than stated and who is lying to himself. Last episode Walt informed Sklyar that he forgave her, one presumes for the affair with Ted and this episode Walt terrifies Skylar when he reaffirms their marriage and is unaware of her fear - or worse enjoys it.

Mike copes with other problems and former employees of Gus's empire that may cause problems for the new triumverate of Walt, Mike and Jesse. Mike also proves once again that even though he can do a dirty job that Mike knows who he is, his motives are clear and he still has a moral compass.

A good episode of Breaking Bad that deepens the psychological portraits of the characters and continues the tragic arc. In the flashforwards, as yet unexplained, Walt is still alive and presumably on the run but has a final trick up his sleeve. This viewer is hoping that the writers have the courage to take the tragedy the whole way but no matter what I will be watching with interest.

More at Madrigal


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